To Make Patients BETTER, FASTER
MedHab has developed a new, patented technology in the medical device field affording medical care prescribers (Orthopedic Surgeon and/or physical therapist) the ability to customize the rehabilitation protocol to meet each patient’s needs.

steprite® Software
Improve rehab with measurable evidence, leading to better
and faster outcomes.
• 3D tracking
• Pressure sensing
• Real-time wireless communication
• HIPAA secured user interface website
Click here to see a list of Exercises supported by steprite!
Wearable insole device
State-of-the-art microcontroller technology monitors and objectively quantifies motion and pressure
Why choose steprite® Software?
“Simple, easy-to-use, in-home and in-clinic rehabilitation technology”
• Real-time feedback
• In-home/in-clinic use
• Better compliance
Surgeon/Physical Therapist:
• Customizable protocol
• Objective measurements
• Effective patient management
Insurance Company:
• Better & faster outcomes of recovery
• Cost savings
Affording medical care prescribers the ability to customize prehabilitation and rehabilitation protocols to meet each patient’s unique needs.
To Make Patients BETTER, FASTER
MedHab has developed a new, patented technology in the medical device field affording medical care prescribers (Orthopedic Surgeon and/or physical therapist) the ability to customize the rehabilitation protocol to meet each patient’s needs.

steprite® Software
Improve rehab with measurable evidence, leading to better
and faster outcomes.
• 3D tracking
• Pressure sensing
• Real-time wireless communication
• HIPAA secured user interface website
Click here to see a list of Exercises supported by steprite!
Wearable insole device
State-of-the-art microcontroller technology monitors and objectively quantifies motion and pressure
Why choose steprite® Software?
“Simple, easy-to-use, in-home and in-clinic rehabilitation technology”
• Real-time feedback
• In-home/in-clinic use
• Better compliance
Surgeon/Physical Therapist:
• Customizable protocol
• Objective measurements
• Effective patient management
Insurance Company:
• Better & faster outcomes of recovery
• Cost savings
Affording medical care prescribers the ability to customize prehabilitation and rehabilitation protocols to meet each patient’s unique needs.
steprite Slideshow Downloads