More About Angelo State University
Founded in 1928, Angelo State University, a member of the Texas Tech University System, delivers undergraduate and graduate programs in the liberal arts, sciences and professional disciplines. In a learning-centered environment distinguished by its integration of teaching, research, creative endeavor, service and co-curricular experiences, ASU prepares students to be responsible citizens and to have productive careers.

More About Morgan Newton
As technology advances, Morgan Newton responds to change, constantly updating equipment, procedures and training of personnel to stay on the forefront of technology. All customer products are treated with the same respect. From the least complex to the unimaginable, we develop the appropriate manufacturing processes to meet your specific requirements.
At Morgan Newton, product quality is in the details. Utilizing customer documentation, all processes are strictly controlled from start to finish, including material management, product assembly and final acceptance. The end result is the finest quality products that exceed the most stringent customer requirements.

More About Tech Fort Worth
TECH Fort Worth is a non-profit organization that has been helping entrepreneurs launch and grow emerging technology companies since 1998. We identify entrepreneurs and startup companies with technologies that have a high potential for success in the marketplace and mentor, coach, and relentlessly push them toward success. Where and when appropriate we match the resources of the community with the passion of entrepreneurs to extend the support system necessary to nurture the startup and growth of the companies.

More About Dalworth Technologies
At Dalworth Technologies, they feature a high-tech production facility that is flexible and quickly adaptable to meet customers specific tooling, molding, and plastic component needs.
Their engineering services, manufacturing capabilities, and QMS systems are second to none, while their nine molding machines give them capacities that range from 55 to 400 tons.
At their tooling facility, they are fully equipped and trained to handle any top-of-the-line, production-ready tooling you may require, as well as any repair or maintenance services.

More About Atlantic Footcare
Atlantic Footcare are leaders in polyurethane molding.
The Prothotics family of orthotics have been biomechanically designed to meet the exacting standards used by many professional footcare providers. Designed by a group of leading medical professionals, Prothotics provide a cost-effective method for treatment of many clinical pathologies diagnosed by podiatrists, and other footcare professionals. These biomechanically designed orthotics go beyond standard cushion insole products. They offer a cost-saving, first step treatment option. Prothotics can relieve many existing conditions and help prevent the development of future ortho/footcare problems.